Bioconstruction with cob for building ovens is an eco-friendly method employing a mixture of earth, straw, donkey manure, sand and water. Cob's thermal mass and durability make it an ideal material for crafting efficient ovens.
Ovens constructed with cob showcase sustainability by utilizing locally-sourced materials, reducing environmental impact. This bioconstruction approach harmonizes tradition and modern ecological principles, offering a green and sustainable solution for oven construction.
Workshop description
Engage in two key activities: one group perfects cob mixing with clay, sand, straw, donkey manure, and water, while the other constructs the oven (only cover, the structure it's already done). Midway, tasks exchange, ensuring a comprehensive experience. Instructors offer insights into cob ovens' cultural significance. By day's end, you'll possess practical skills, collaborative spirit, and appreciation for sustainable building and traditional baking. Join us for a day and a half of teamwork, creativity, and the satisfaction of crafting your own functional cob oven!
Workshop will be held in English.
No specific prerequisites are required - anyone is welcome to attend.
Course duration
DAY ONE: Saturday 25th May.
10:00 - 12:30 - Introduction, COB explanation, tasks explanation.
12:30 - 14:00 - Lunch break
14:00 - 17:00 - Practical work
17:00 - Dinner - Free time
DAY TWO : Sunday 26th May.
10:00 - 12:30 Finishing of the work and cleaning area
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 14:30 - Questions, curiosities and feedback.
Course price
We offer a range of price for all our courses. You can decide based on your financial possibilities.
A participation should not fail due to lack of money, contact us if you need support.
CHF 190.-* This contribution covers the minimal costs and effort for this workshop. We offer this option for low-income earners.
CHF 250.-* The costs for the preparation and implementation of the workshop are covered and a small contribution can be made to the permaculture project, which enables its preservation
CHF 330.-* All costs for the preparation and implementation of the workshop are covered and a large contribution can flow into the Naturhof Permaculture project, which enables further development.
*The price includes the workshop day, accommodation for one night and food during your stay.
Course facilitator